Aug 16, 2023Liked by Anuj Didwania

Interesting read Anuj. Its always a challenge to listen to your instincts and do nothing when the world around you is going mad. Especially challenging to explain to investors in today's FOMO world.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Anuj Didwania

Very very interesting. The “audacious decision of not acting” … holding steady, staying still - we need to reflect more on this

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Anuj Didwania

So enjoyed reading this Anuj. Thought provoking yet a sense of calm and instinctive faithfulness in the prose.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Anuj Didwania

Excellent work!

In medicine we call it “masterly inactivity”, nature heals itself very often. Looking forward to many more articles, i love your writing style and well thought out research.

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Fantastic piece Anuj! Love the style and tenor. Looking forward to reading more of your insightful thoughts...Cheers

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Anuj Didwania

Thought provoking! Well written, Anuj! 😊👏

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Anuj Didwania

A highly contemplative piece by a most layered mind. Fabulous!!

You are quite right when you say that important and vital information gets lost in a din of “got too’s and have too’s”…oh and SALE, no trigger like SALE, engineered to spend your children’s or your own inheritance. Spend a certain amount and get a free gift, something you are tricked into desiring and never knew existed.

We are peppered every moment by visuals and voices telling us to keep up “appreances”. We are forced to silence the voices of rational and better judgement(if you are left with that option at all). You are convinced that you NEED that car, that handbag, that holiday, that address….. that body, so gym membership or plastic surgeon, always a tough choice that one.

It’s ceaseless. The fear of being judged forces us to act. Mind games have the same effect on someone incapable of deciphering the intent of the planted thought, sometimes to a detrimental end. Much like the brainwashing in heavily patrolled states around the world.

It takes a secure mind to silence these “calls to action”. Petrov had the presence of mind and conviction to avoid a predetermined, knee jerk reaction at the risk of loosing his position and harsh punishment, a life of the undead in a Russian gulag perhaps.

In his head at that moment he decided not to react he was alone, alone with his thoughts, a series of them I imagine which led him to trust his gut preventing cataclysmic events from taking place.

People are afraid of being alone. They want to out do, out shine but never alone even if it seems that way. It’s the root cause of most action unfortunately.

BRAVO BRAVO ANUJ DIDWANIA, is there anything you can’t do? I would stand in a line a mile long to have your big book signed.

P.S. You brought out the writer in me, that’s your action!

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Superb Anuj! The decision to not respond to what turned out to be a false positive by Officer Petrov, saved the planet. His discipline and guts to go against instructions and listen to his guts bears repeating. Thanks for writing!

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